The Turtle Conservation Trust uses Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to bring about a scientific view of turtle movement through the years (and over the acres) of our ongoing study. We use Holohil transmitters, AOR radio receivers, Garmin GPS units and "ArcView" software to create maps of all of the turtle movement in the sanctuary.
In February of 2011 we were awarded the ESRI Conservation Program (ECP) grant which included ESRI’s ArcView (version 10) software program! Thank-you ESRI!
We now look forward to making many more maps of our turtle movements. Please check back from time to time to see additional maps. (These first four maps shown here were created from an earlier version of ArcView).
Click the ESRI logo or the Turtle Movement Maps link above to see the maps and for more information about the transmitters, radio receivers and Garmin units that we use.
For more information about the ESRI Conservation Program website- check out this link.
For a look at the Eastern Box Turtle Conservation Trust's GROUP created to share maps and info on the ECP website - check out this link.
Adult turtles
Images of individual adult turtles in the project. There are 97 images in this gallery. Last updated: Mon, 04/26/2010
Juvenile turtles
These are turtles from the head-start program that have been released into the sanctuary. They are all wearing transmitters so that we can track them down and check on them weekly.
When we release them, they receive a two digit designation for use in the GPS unit, and a three digit designation for use in the antennae receiver to track them with. Both of these names will begin with a letter, followed by a number, such as T9 (in the GPS) or D39 (in the Receiver). And we also try and keep the name that the head-starter gave them. (But sometimes we can't, for example - we can't have two turtles named "Shelly" ). So that's why you might see up to three names under a turtle's picture.
If you raised a baby for the program and want to see it's picture-write to: and if I have one - I will post it for you. Updated: Tue, 04/27/2010